Registration to the 2025 International Firefly Symposium
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Abstracts Submissions for the 2025 IFS

Participants are invited to present oral and/or poster communications in English during the Symposium. Symposium registration is NOT required at the time of abstract submission. However, all presenters MUST register for the symposium by May 20th 2025.

Abstracts should be concise and clearly written, following the standard format here. Abstracts must be written in English. Topics include Biology and Ecology; Evolution; Taxonomy and systematics; Conservation and tourism; Culture; Education; Arts; and other. Abstracts should be submitted through the symposium's online submission portal in a Word document (.docx) or plain text (.txt) format.

The abstract submission deadline is March 30, 2025, except for those who are applying for a grant (see Grant application, please). Late submissions will not be accepted. Abstracts will be reviewed by the symposium's scientific committee. The committee will evaluate the abstracts based on their relevance, originality, and scientific merit. Authors will be notified of the abstract acceptance or rejection via email by April 2025.

Presentation format

Accepted abstracts will be presented in an oral or poster presentation:

Speakers Presentation

Preferred formats: PowerPoint or pdf presentation; if your presentation is online, you can also use a Canva’s presentation. Each speaker will have 20 minutes for their presentation plus 5 minutes for questions and comments. Please, inform us if you will present videos or audios during your presentation.

All presenters must register for the conference and pay the applicable fee by May 30th, 2025, to CONFIRM their participation as a presenter. If your talk is given by a colleague, please inform the Organizing Committee ( immediately so that your presentation may be confirmed.

Poster presentations

In person poster presentations will play a key role in the success of the 2025 International Firefly Symposium. Posters selected from abstract submissions will be displayed on poster boards along the rear perimeter of the general session meeting room for the duration of the symposium. Enough time will be available for viewing posters so that attendees can interact and share details of their work, discuss techniques and experiences, and acquire a broader perspective about the firefly species they study.

For online poster presentations you need to upload your audio commentary in advance to the individual slides, and may include English subtitles if possible. This feature is available in PowerPoint and Canva Video tutorial is here. The resulting file should be send 2 days in advance. Based on the poster presentation program, we will play the file and project it in our lecture room and at the same time stream it for the online audience. The discussion will then take place live.

Young Scientist Awards
In order to recognize and stimulate the scientific work on Firefly Conservation developed by young researchers, this Symposium will honor the Best oral and the Best poster presentations, both in person and online.
Young researchers (registered as bachelor, master' or PhD students) who want to be considered for the Awards must indicate that intention on the abstract submission. Candidates should be the first and presenting author. Only one submission per candidate will be considered. The Jury will be constituted by Senior Scientists and the winners will be chosen based on the originality and quality of the work and presentation. The winners will be announced during the Closing Ceremony.
Registration fees (deadline May 20th, 2025):

Online participation: $400 MX or $20.00 USD

In person participation:

  • Professional/researcher FIN members: $2000 MX or $110.00 USD
  • Students FIN members: $1000 MX or $55.00 USD
  • Professional/researcher non-members: $3800 MX or $200.00 USD
  • Students non-members: $2000 MX or $110.00 USD
  • Visitors: $1000 MX or $55.00 USD
  • Payments should be submitted from September 30, 2024 onwards. Platform will be open soon

    Join here as member of the Fireflyers International Network community and enjoy workshops, events and much more for free.

    Refund Policy (Applies only to in person registrations): If the conference needs to be cancelled or if a participant is registered for the in person conference and is unable to travel, the registration fee will be refunded. In all other cases of cancellation by the participant after May 15th, refund of registration fees will not be possible.

    Student Travel Grants
    A limited number of Student Travel Grants (STG) will be offered by the Fireflyer International Network for students attending (in person) and presenting at the 2025 International Firefly Symposium.
    Preference may be given to applicants with the following qualifications:
  • Presenting final results from undergraduates, M.S. or Ph.D. research
  • Nearing expected date of bachelor, M.S. or Ph.D. graduation
  • Applying for first FIN travel grant during present degree

  • Applicants must be registered as undergraduate students and uplevels during the time of travel OR be registered as students during the spring semester preceding travel. Also, applicants must attend the International Firefly Symposium in-person and contribute a presentation related to fireflies. Please, check the complete applications format here soon.